The Magic Hedge lives up to its name

Another morning spent at Montrose Point was again rewarding with lots of new birds having come in overnight. As I opened the car door, I was greeted by the trilling of Cedar Waxwings and the calls of a small flock of Yellow-rumped Warblers. Chimney Swifts continued to fizz around the tree tops and a Peregrine gloded overhead as I made my way towards the shore where I had more good views of Nelson's Sparrows and a Dickcissel amongst a few other things.
Marsh Wren
Back in the cover of the Magic Hedge there were plenty of things to keep me occupied - more warblers with an Orange-crowned being rather early. Whilst looking for this bird, a Connecticut-like warbler popped up briefly - I was immediately hit by the bright conspicuous eye-ring and greyish hood/shawl. But as soon as it had appeared, it had gone. I alerted other to its presence but to no avail.
Yellowthroat - very common today
Yellowthroats and Palm Warblers were very common today but there was a good supporting cast with Nashville, Tenessee, Black & White, Magnolia and a Blackburnian Warbler (at last). I had several Ovenbirds plus a couple of Northern Waterthrushes, Wood Thrush, two Grey-cheeked Thrushes and several Swainson's. The Sora rail was posing occasionally along with Marsh Wren.
A Caspian Tern flew over the meadow and a single Barn Swallow also passed by - lots of birds have been pushed to the lakefront with the westerly breeze so the next few days should be good - I won't be there though as I'll be having a few full days with Heather.

As I was debating whether to depart (as the place was deserted), a juvenile Red-tailed Hawk whooshed past me only feet away. Shortly after I noticed some movement in the scrub and up popped a Catbird and the Oporornis warbler that I had seen previously. It nervously perched up for around 10 seconds enabling me to confirm its identity as a Connecticut Warbler - result!
