Information Boards arrive at Rishton Reservoir

It seems an inordinately long time ago when I penned a few lines for the Prospect Panel in Rishton - they wanted to put up some information boards around Cut Wood and I suggested a couple of bird ones illustrated by my good friend and local artist, Tony Disley.

And so it came to pass that last week the first one was installed about 18 months after that initial enquiry and the first comment was "Why are there no Swans on there" as a Black Swan had taken up residence. You can't legislate for these sort of things and I was limited to ten species!

I nipped down this-morning to see the board and I wasn't disappointed - there were even birds around the reservoir including 60 Lapwings and a Kingfisher. The Black Swan was also present with a single Mute Swan and Canada Goose whilst the juvenile Great Crested Grebe was fully grown though still dependent on its parents.

At home, the new garden re-design is finished and the bids have given it their approval. A flock of over 30 Siskins dropped in early on Saturday morning and now I've got an increasing number of Goldfinches with at least eight juveniles. House Martins are chirruping overhead but still no more than 10 in the whole of Rishton - a really poor showing. Goldcrest, Chiffchaffs and Blackcaps are still around but things will be moving in numbers soon. the flock of 50 - 60 Swallows is starting to get jumpy so I guess they'll be off soon.

I'm going to be in Chicago for the next week so I'll experience some fall birding for the first time!
