More sounds of summer

A sunny day here as in most of the rest of the country meant that migrants were either arriving or passing through relentlessly searching for their summer quarters. At the reservoir, two pairs of Grebes are on nests and coots are busy bolstering their own. A few Sand Martins and a single Swallow passed north but with no 'edge' there was nothing brought down. I thought we might get a few White Wagtails but there was just a single Pied Wagtail flycatching almost hirundine like over the water - most unusual.

The Curlews and Lapwings are displaying around the fields and a pair of Oyestercatchers still adorn the far bank. The only things of note were a pair of Shelduck that dropped in.

At home, most of the finches seemed to have gone with the fine weather.  My first Swallow of the year went overhead as did a Sparrowhawk. Chiffchaff and Blackcap are singing now and we should get Willow Warblers soon. We'll see what tomorrow brings.
