Home again

The weather improved for our last couple of days in Normandy so we fitted in a walk around the forest at St Sever and a visit to the coast at Bec D'Andaine overlooking the bay of Mont St Michel.

The forest walk was predictably quiet with several tit flocks (Blue/Great/Marsh/Crested/Long-tailed) and a few Great Spotted Woodpeckers. I heard a party of Crossbills fly over and Bernie saw Short-toed Treecreeper. Spotted Flycatchers were dotted around the place and the walk was rounded off with a splendid Silver-washed Fritillary.

We got to the beach at Bec d'Andaine at high tide but the height of the tide was nothing to write home about and the waders were rather distant. There were several Dunlin and Ringed Plovers closer but no Kentish (they breed in the area). A couple of Curlews and a large flock of Black-tailed Godwits were on the shoreline.

The journey home was livened up by a Honey-buzzard over the road beyond Caen and a Red Kite near Grantham. (I forgot to mention the Hobby that flew over the M6 near Birmingham on our way down two weeks ago.)
